Why Atomicity

We give startups an advantage.

Our Amazing Companies

We support startups by accelerating their growth.

Startup School

Group partners teach you to build the foundations of a company. 

Atomicity Library

Videos, podcasts, essays for startup founders. 


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Essays, events and announcements from Atomicity.

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Atomicity is run by startup founders who have built exactly what they wanted.

We have a forum for asking questions to the community, a founder directory for finding specific people who can provide advice and intros, and a company directory for finding potential customers.

Experienced Partners

Each founder is assigned a dedicated group partner. Group partners read applications, interview companies, and mentor startups. 

Investor Networks

Our founders have access to the Atomicity Investor Database which has profiles and reviews of startup investors.

Social network for founders

Founders get to benefit from the collective wisdom of experts and alumni through our private social network. 

Networks to build your team

We help our founders hire the small number of early engineers and other team members critical to finding product market fit.

The latest from Atomicity

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